colonie landfill Waste Disposal, Diversion and Recycling

(Formerly known as Durham/RAD Landfill)

We provide non-hazardous solid waste collection, recycling and landfill disposal services to commercial, industrial, municipal and residential customers.

Whether you have a spring cleaning project or have commercial needs, you’ll find friendly assistance and professional service at Waste Connections.

We recover a variety of recyclable materials such as cardboard, office paper, plastics, oil, glass, and a variety of metals for reuse.

Waste Connections

colonie landfill

Since 2011, Capital Region Landfills, Inc. has been the sole operator of the Town of Colonie Landfill. Every day, we strive to do all we can to ensure the landfill is operating at its best. We take actions above and beyond state requirements to make sure the landfill minimizes potential impacts to its neighbors and to protect the environment. This has included making various system upgrades to the gas collection system before they were needed to ensure all of our equipment was operating at its best.

Report an Odor

If you believe you have observed an odor emanating from the Town of Colonie Landfill, please dial (518) 292-0426​ to have facility personnel investigate.





Travis County Landfill Rates

Travis County Landfill Rates

Open from 7:00 AM - 4:45 PM


All customers MUST wear hard hats, safety vests and safety glasses.

Non Account Customers: Vehicles to 16 ft
Loose C&D Debris
Min Charge $110.00/Covers up to 3 cu. yds.
$32.67 per yd. after 3 cu. yds.
Non Compactible
Carpet or cut up tires min. $213.84/Up to 3 cu. yds.
$71.28 per yd. after 3 cu. yds.
Min Charge $162.86/Covers up to 3 cu. yds.
$54.29 per yd. after 3 cu. yds.
Dump Trucks and Trailers Over 16 ft.
2 Ton min. $137.84
$68.92 per yd. after 2 tons
All Customers
Car Tires-No Rim
$11.00 priced individually
Car Tires-With Rim
$16.50 priced individually
Truck Tires-No Rim
$24.20 priced individually
Truck Tires-With Rim
$38.50 priced individually
Tractor Trailer Tires-No Rim
$33.00 priced individually
Tractor Trailer Tires-With Rim
$55.00 priced individually
Same fee for all sizes
$27.50 priced individually
Box Springs
Same fee for all sizes
$27.50 priced individually
Pull Off
Non Refundable
$55.00 non refundable
Safety Kit
Hard hat & safety vest
$27.06 non refundable
Tarp Fee
Un-tarped loads are subject to fee
Rejected Load Fee
Rejected loads are subject to fee if we reload
Waste Connections

Since 2011, Capital Region Landfills, Inc. has been the sole operator of the Town of Colonie Landfill. Every day, we strive to do all we can to ensure the landfill is operating at its best. We take actions above and beyond state requirements to make sure the landfill minimizes potential impacts to its neighbors and to protect the environment. This has included making various system upgrades to the gas collection system before they were needed to ensure all of our equipment was operating at its best.

Report an Odor

If you believe you have observed an odor emanating from the Town of Colonie Landfill, please dial (518) 292-0426​ to have facility personnel investigate.



Cold Canyon Landfill Sales, Special Waste & Contaminated Soil Information

General Rates

Our rates are based on the net weight dumped.

  • Payment terms
    Accepting Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, ​ American Express and local checks only with Cold Canyon Landfill certified weight. Checks must be numbered over 700 in the check series number and must be imprinted with name and address. Must have a valid California ID.
  • Entrance deposit and load checks policy
    A mandatory deposit of Cash or Check is required at the scale house upon entrance. All loads are subject to random load checks and inspections for prohibited material.
  • Need to to rent a roll-off?
    Our partner location, Coastal Rolloff has various sized roll-off dumpsters available for rent. You can contact them  at 805-543-0473 or click the link below.

About colonie landfill

Your Trusted Partner

In a plan that was put together through 2006-07, it was determined that the existing areas of the landfill would reach their capacity in 2018 causing all operations to cease at the site unless additional areas were developed. To keep the landfill a viable resource for the surrounding communities, Colonie Landfill has submitted an application to the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC) to gain approval for the development of Area 7. By developing Area 7, we will be extending the lifespan of the landfill by 20 years, continuing to fill a vital need in this community. Waste that is picked up from surrounding communities is brought to the conveniently located landfill, allowing removal costs to remain low for our entire area. If the landfill were forced to cease operations, trash removal costs would increase.


Extending the life of the landfill also affords us the opportunity to make other upgrades to the site. To increase safety for incoming trucks and residents, we plan on changing the entry point to the landfill. The new entrance will be located away from busy Route 9 to a much more manageable and less trafficked location.


Also part of this development of Area 7, we will be altering the way our leachate is stored on site. Currently, leachate is stored in open-air lagoons but that will be changing. As part of the ongoing improvement of the landfill, we will be installing covered tanks that will contain the leachate, effectively eliminating any potential odor issues.


It’s important to note that this application is not seeking to change the daily operations at the landfill. Our operations will remain business as usual, except that the facility will remain open for an additional 20 years. In particular, there are no planned changes to the daily or annual accepted tonnage limits at the site. This development does not involve any land that is currently not sited to be part of the landfill and Colonie Landfill is not using any additional land for the changes to Area 7.

Potrero Hills Landfill


Transfer Station Inquiry
Landfill Inquiry

Contact Us

Community Driven

Town Of Colonie Landfill is committed to utilizing the very best people and technology to provide a responsible solution for today and future generations. We believe that safe disposal of our solid waste is an essential part of making our communities clean, enjoyable and well-managed.

Learn More


Our Priorities

Landfill Operations

Installation is underway of covered leachate storage tanks which will effectively eliminate leachate related odors.

Green Energy

Electricity generation, equivalent to powering approximately 3,000 homes per year.


Landfill Waste Disposal and Recycling

How Trash Becomes Energy


Have any questions related to your specific needs?

Are you still uncertain about other details? Contact us to get more information regarding your specific needs.

Call us today


Have any questions related to your specific needs?
When are we open?
Does my load have to be covered/tarped?
What do we take in our Landfills?
Can I come out to the landfill and salvage or pick through the trash?
Can I bring my old paint, chemicals and/or cleaning supplies to the landfill?
What if I need to get rid of chemically contaminated soil and/or other contaminated material?

Are you still uncertain about sizing, pricing, or other details? Contact one of our professionals to get more information regarding which option is the best for you.

Call us today


Have any questions related to special waste?
Is advanced notice of shipment required?
Does special waste have any additional delivery requirements?
Does my load have to be covered/tarped?
Are special waste shipments accepted on weekends?
What types of special wastes are not accepted at Anson Landfill?

Contact our Special Waste Sales Representative, Helen Grigg, for questions.

Call her today


Have any questions related to your specific needs?
What do we take in our landfills?
What about special waste?
Does my load have to be covered/tarped?
Can I come out to the landfill and salvage or pick through the trash?
Can I bring my old paint, chemicals and/or cleaning supplies to the landfill?
What if I need to get rid of chemically contaminated soil and/or other contaminated material?

Remember the last load time is 30 minutes before closing and we do not accept cards for payment only cash or check (small bills only).

Call us today


Have any questions related to your specific needs?
Does my load have to be covered/tarped?
Can I come out to the landfill and salvage or pick through the trash?
Can I bring my old paint, chemicals and/or cleaning supplies to the landfill?
What if I need to get rid of asbestos/chemically contaminated soil and/or other contaminated material?
What methods of payment do you accept?

Are you still uncertain about sizing, pricing, or other details? Contact one of our professionals to get more information regarding which option is the best for you.

Call us today
Community Support

Serving our Community

Toys for Tots

Each year, the Colonie Landfill team puts on our Santa hats and gathers new toys for the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program to support their mission to distribute toys to less fortunate children at Christmas. ​ Participation has grown through the years and now includes donated toys from employees, customers, vendors and company-purchased toys. ​ Our support for Toys for Tots continues throughout the year with employee participation with the programs various fund raising efforts.

Area College Students Tour Colonie Landfill

The next generation of waste management professionals spend some time with our seasoned experts! Town of Colonie Landfill employees are proud to talk to students from area colleges about landfill operations and show them the ropes. ​ Engineering and environmental studies students regularly come to the facility with their classes to observe construction techniques and materials and learn about the stringent quality assurance protocols used to build, maintain and monitor modern landfills.

Environmental Protections

Champ Landfill

Please review the list of acceptable and unacceptable items for disposal outlined above. ​ If you have a question about wastes for disposal, please contact us in advance of bringing the material to the landfill. ​ Call Champ Landfill or email us.
Accepted Landfill Materials: Clean fill - soil, Concrete and asphalt, Construction debris, Farm or agricultural waste, Household municipal waste (Includes carpet, furniture, mattresses), Non-hazardous commercial waste, Tires that are chipped or shredded only and tree branches over 6 inches in diameter.
Unaccepted Landfill Materials: Appliances (major), Bulk liquids, Explosives, Highly flammable or volatile substances, Propane gas containers, Radioactive materials, Regulated infectious waste, Regulated quantities of hazardous waste, Regulated quantities of PCB, Septic tank pumpings, Tires, Whole, Toxic waste, Waste oil, Yard waste (keep separate for green waste recycling).

Green Waste Recycling

For safety reasons, yard waste materials are only accepted Monday through Friday. ​ They are closed on Saturdays. ​ If you have a question about what kind of green wastes are accepted for recycling, please call Hansen's Environmental Wood Resources at 636-379-1830.
Accepted Green Materials: Brush and logs 6 inches or less in diameter, Christmas trees, Garden vegetation, Leaves, Sawdust, Untreated or unpainted lumber & pallets, Wood chips and Yard clippings.
Unaccepted Green Materials: Bio solids, Decorative or ceremonial items, Dead animals, Human waste, Liquid waste, Stumps, roots, or shrubs with intact root balls and Other organic material not specially listed.


Have any questions related to your specific needs?
Does my load have to be covered/tarped?
Can I come out to the landfill and salvage or pick through the trash?
Do we take Checks, ATM or Credit Cards?
Can I bring my old paint, chemicals and/or cleaning supplies to the landfill?
What if I need to get rid of chemically contaminated soil and/or other contaminated material?

Are you still uncertain about sizing, pricing, or other details? Contact one of our professionals to get more information regarding which option is the best for you.

Call us today
Services & Rates

Butler County Landfill Services & Rates

Butler County Landfill is a modern municipal solid waste disposal facility permitted by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality and is in full compliance with Nebraska rules and regulations as well as Subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).

Non-hazardous waste disposal services

Asbestos-Friable and Asbestos-Non-Friable
Construction & Demolition Debris
Industrial & Special Waste
Municipal Solid Waste and Yard Waste

Unacceptable Items

Waste Oil
Lead-Acid Batteries
Unregulated Hazardous Waste
Scrap Tires (in any form) - We accept seperately for processing.
Discarded Household Appliances - We accept separately for recyclinge


Bulk Tires:

White goods

No freon appliances allowed:
refrigerators, freezers, air conditioner. Not even gutted, ​ tagged, or wires cut
Waste Connections Services

All Landfill and Transfer Station Services

We work with businesses of all sizes and all sectors across the United States and Canada, to help you decide which waste management services, collections, and recycling services best fit your needs.