Chisholm Springs Community

Chisholm Springs Community

Chisholm Springs Trash Collection

Trash runs every Friday

Please review Trash/Recycle guidelines below remember to have your Trash/Recycle by the curb no later than 7:00am.

Household Garbage Guidelines

Household Garbage

Waste must be at the curb NO LATER THAN 7:00 am

  • Household Garbage MUST BE BAGGED.
  • Waste must be placed in 95 Gallon carts or bags including yard clippings.Β 
  • Bags cannot exceed 50 pounds
  • Additional bags outside of cart are $1.00 per white kitchen bag and $2.00 per black trash bag.
  • 6 bags/boxes or smaller items outside of cart per month. No extra charge.


Bulk Pickup Guidelines

Bulk Waste

One Bulk/Large item per month. No extra charge. Additional bulk or large items are $0.25 per pound.‍

Bulk waste includes waste not generated on a regular basis, including:

  • Furniture (couch, table, mattress (must be bagged), box spring, desk, dresser, etc.) Β 
  • Refrigerators and AC Units MUST be tagged with a freon evacuation certificate issued by a licensed agent.
  • Appliances (washer, dryer, dishwasher, etc.)
  • Hot Water Heaters - Must be drained.
  • Fencing/Decking/Siding (please remove nails, cut into lengths 4' or less, and tie and bundle under 50 pounds, limit six bundles per bulk day)
  • Trampolines (broken down, please place metal with recycling if possible)
  • Basketball goals (broken down into sections 4' or shorter, no concrete in base or poles)
  • Carpeting/Flooring (please cut into lengths 4' or shorter bundled and tied under 50 pounds, limit six bundles equal a bulk item.


Yard Waste Guidelines

Yard Waste

Grass Clippings need to be placed in 95 gallon trash carts.

Branches in Clear Individual Piles measuring no longer than 4’ x 4’ x 4’ Bundled and Tied.

Must be under 50 pounds. Β Limit six bundles equal one bulk item.

Acceptable placement of branches

Individual piles that crews can wrap their arms around to load easily.

Unacceptable placement of branches

Piles larger than allowed and not tied and bundled.

Disposal of Needles, Sharps and Syringes

Disposal of Sharps

Needles, sharps and syringes may be disposed of in your normal trash by taking the following steps:

Secure in Containers

Seal them into a hard plastic or metal container (empty laundry detergent or bleach containers work well). Reinforce the lid with heavy-duty tape.

Label the Container

Label the container as containing needles, sharps or syringes.

Dispose of Container in Normal Trash

Please note that no loose sharps will be collected.

Unacceptable Materials Guidelines

Unacceptable Materials

Items Not Accepted (No Hazardous Chemicals or Material):

  • Hazardous Material of any kind.
  • Dirt
  • Waste generated by a private contractor (remodeling, landscaping, construction)
  • Rocks
  • Motor Oil
  • Pesticides/Insecticides
  • Gasoline/Kerosene
  • Medical Waste
  • Bricks
  • Tile
  • Batteries
  • Paint (liquid)
  • Gasoline
  • Fertilizer
  • Concrete
  • Tires
  • Pool Chemicals
  • Cooking Oil
Recycle Guidelines

Do Not Bag Recycle

We will only accept the items listed in the chart below. Please call 469-60-RHINO with any questions or to see if recycling is available in your area.


  • Inspections
    Our crews must inspect inside the recycle carts to ensure only allowable items are inside. If the recycle cart has trash or other debris, the container CANNOT be serviced.
  • Cardboard
    Cardboard boxes must be broken down, bundled and tied to be collected with recycle. Boxes not broken down will be treated as trash on bulk collection weeks.