We provide non-hazardous solid waste collection, recycling and landfill disposal services to commercial, industrial, municipal and residential customers.
Whether you have a spring cleaning project or have commercial needs, you’ll find friendly assistance and professional service at Waste Connections.
We recover a variety of recyclable materials such as cardboard, office paper, plastics, oil, glass, and a variety of metals for reuse.
Travis County Landfill Rates
Open from 7:00 AM - 4:45 PM
All customers MUST wear hard hats, safety vests and safety glasses.
General Rates
Our rates are based on the net weight dumped.
- Payment termsAccepting Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, ​ American Express and local checks only with Cold Canyon Landfill certified weight. Checks must be numbered over 700 in the check series number and must be imprinted with name and address. Must have a valid California ID.
- Entrance deposit and load checks policyA mandatory deposit of Cash or Check is required at the scale house upon entrance. All loads are subject to random load checks and inspections for prohibited material.
- Need to to rent a roll-off?Our partner location, Coastal Rolloff has various sized roll-off dumpsters available for rent. You can contact them  at 805-543-0473 or click the link below.
Your Trusted Partner
Winnebago Landfill Company offers two landfill locations that provide responsible and convenient waste disposal. Winnebago Landfill is located just west of I-39 at the Baxter Road exit; Rochelle Landfill is slightly east of I-39 at the I-38 exit. Both landfills are totally committed to safe and efficient solid waste disposal and recycling.
A plan for today and today and the future
The Winnebago Landfill and the Winnebago Reclamation Service began its operation in 1972. We are a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill and abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Our solid waste landfill consists of the landfill, a recyclables processing center, landfill gas-to-energy processing, and associated ancillary services.
Liquids that are collected from the drainage system are treated at our modern wastewater treatment facility in Rockford, Illinois. And, with an eye toward safety, a network of groundwater monitoring wells located throughout the facility is monitored regularly to ensure proper operation.
An expansion of the landfill was granted in July 2012. The expansion “footprint” will occupy approximately 222 acres within an 855 acre Facility boundary and allow for the landfill to continue to operate and serve northern Illinois communities in a safe environmentally sound manner for many years.
Rock River Valley Compost Facility
The Rock Valley Compost Facility only accepts landscape waste. This includes grass clippings, weeds, tree trimmings, and stumps. All bagged landscape waste needs to be in paper landscape bags, landscape waste in plastic bags is not accepted. Food waste, refuse, rocks and all other non-landscape compostable materials are not accepted.
Composting is a natural form of recycling, which continually occurs in nature. After the yard waste is ground at our facility, it is deposited in windrows where it goes through the composting cycle. Once the finished compost is screened, it is sold to and widely used by home gardeners and landscape professionals.
Price: $50/ton with a 2 ton minimum charge.
Hours: (Varies seasonally) April – November, Monday – Friday, 8AM – 3PM, Please call to confirm
Site Address: 6200 Baxter Road Cherry Valley, IL 61016
Phone: 815-874-5870
From the start, Rock River Valley Compost’s goal has been to lead the way in residential and commercial recycling and disposal. We accomplish this through composting – the transformation of organic material (plant matter) through decomposition into a soil-like material called compost.
How Trash Becomes Energy
Are you still uncertain about other details? Contact us to get more information regarding your specific needs.
Trash Disposal & Recycling Hours:
8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday – Saturday – Closed Sundays and all major holidays
Holidays Closed:
New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas
Hazardous Waste Questions? CLICK​ Here
YES, ALL loads must be covered/tarped and/or secured in such a manner that no waste or debris can fly out, fall out or become airborne in anyway. Uncovered/unsecured loads will be charged double, no exceptions.
Normal Household Garbage, Non-Hazardous Commercial Waste, Farm or Agricultural Waste, Municipal Solid Waste, Construction Debris, Concrete & Asphalt, Yard Waste, Tree Branches, Non-putresible Dry Waste, Clean Fill – Soil, Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste, Waste Water Treatment Plant Sludge, Contaminated Soil, Treated Lumber.
We accept tires, White Goods (appliances), and Batteries. Batteries go to the Haz Waste Facility on site.
No, salvaging or “picking” is not allowed at the landfill.
Yes, these go to the Hazardous Waste Facility located on site. Max 15 gallons or 125 lbs recieved at no charge.
Household Hazardous Waste Facility Hours:
Friday and Saturday ONLY – 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Business’ call for appt (805) 782-8530
Please contact special waste experts.
Special Waste Contact:
Email: SpecialWaste4100@wcnx.org
Special Waste Tool:Â Click here
Are you still uncertain about sizing, pricing, or other details? Contact one of our professionals to get more information regarding which option is the best for you.
24-hour advanced notice is required for all (friable and non-friable) asbestos waste shipments and any wastes that require solidification. This notice can be provided by calling 704-773-5317.
All loads containing asbestos or sludge must arrive at the Anson Landfill scale house by 2:00pm.
Yes, all loads must be covered, tarped, or secured in a way that prevents waste and debris from becoming airborne in any way. Additional fees will be applied to uncovered or unsecured loads without exception.
No, special waste is only accepted Monday through Friday before 2pm.
Anson Landfill does not accept radioactive materials or substances, toxic waste substances, or unacceptable quantities of hazardous materials as defined by applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Our Special Waste Sales Representative, Helen, can help answer additional questions. ​
Contact our Special Waste Sales Representative, Helen Grigg, for questions. Helen.Grigg@WasteConnections.com
Normal Household Garbage, Non-Hazardous Commercial Waste, Farm or Agricultural Waste, Municipal Solid Waste, Construction Debris, Concrete & Asphalt, Yard Waste, Tree Branches, Dry Waste, Clean Fill - Soil, Dead Animals, Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste, Waste Water Treatment Plant Sludge, Industrial Sludges, Industrial OPowders, Contaminated Soil, Treated Lumber.
We do operate other sites where these materials are accepted. Please contact the office for more details
Special Waste Contact:
Address 3219 East State Road 176, Eunice, NM 88231
Office Phone: 575-394-9109
YES, ALL loads must be covered/tarped and/or secured in such a manner that no waste or debris can fly out, fall out or become airborne in anyway. Uncovered/unsecured loads will be charged double, no exceptions.
No, salvaging or “picking” is not allowed at the landfill.
No, these items must go to a chemical waste disposal facility.
With proper documentation, we can accept some of these types of items. Please call the landfill and we will provide you information and instruction for disposing of “special waste.”
Remember the last load time is 30 minutes before closing and we do not accept cards for payment only cash or check (small bills only).
YES, ALL loads must be covered/tarped and/or secured in such a manner that no waste or debris can fly out, fall out or become airborne in anyway. Uncovered/unsecured loads will be charged double, no exceptions.
No, salvaging or “picking” is not allowed at the landfill.
No, these items must go to a chemical waste disposal facility.
With proper documentation, we can accept some of these types of items. Please call the landfill and we will provide you information and instruction for disposing of “special waste.”
Credit cards only.
Are you still uncertain about sizing, pricing, or other details? Contact one of our professionals to get more information regarding which option is the best for you.
Serving our Community
We pride ourselves on being a good neighbor, employer and tax payer. We take the community's concerns very seriously and have dedicated significant resources, time and energy to be the best neighbor and employer we can be. In 2019, we invested $2.2 million in a state-of-the-art Gas Collection and Control System (GCCS), which includes 70 gas extraction wells aimed at reducing the potential for odors to escape from the landfill (including 20 in December 2019 alone).
Part of our community infrastructure
The Winnebago Landfill Company gives back to its surrounding areas by contributing annually to youth, environmental, cultural and economic programs.
We’re committed to many local charities and we’re an active participant in numerous special events. In addition, we have speakers who regularly talk to school groups around the county about the solid waste industry and recycling.
Our employees are encouraged to participate in the community by serving on non-profit boards and committees. Many of our employees also serve on local school boards and church councils; they are soccer coaches, tutors and volunteers. We have thoroughly committed to being a good and responsible corporate citizen.
Real-time collection and community feedback
Every day one of our employees collects data at 29 distinct locations in neighborhoods surrounding the facility which we closely monitor and track
This data has been collected since 2012 and is provided to the Illinois Attorney General and Illinois Environment Protection Agency (IEPA) every month to ensure stakeholders have the latest data.
Additionally, we established a hotline to receive and respond to complaints quickly, even traveling to the source of the compliant to work with the community in a direct manner.
More than $2 million spent to combat odors
We pride ourselves on being a good neighbor, employer and taxpayer. We take the community’s concerns very seriously and have dedicated significant resources, time and energy to be the best neighbor and employer we can be.
In 2019, we invested over $2.2 million in a state-of-the-art Gas Collection and Control System (GCCS), which includes 70 gas extraction wells aimed at reducing the potential for odors to escape from the landfill (including 20 in December 2019 alone); This work on the GCCS is above and beyond any permit or regulatory requirements
We are constantly monitoring the efficiency of our collection and control system and always looking at ways to improve and enhance the process. We installed an additional landfill gas collection flare and blower system which increased our gas collection capacity by over 60%.
We installed a state-of-the-art Vapor-Phase Odor Control System, which is specifically designed to neutralize landfill gas odors that come in contact with the vapor.
Economic Impact to Winnebago County
The Winnebago Landfill Company employs over 30 employees who live locally in the county. Our Rock River Disposal company and division office employ an additional 125 people in the county. In 2019, our companies spent nearly $40 million on operations and capital projects using local labor unions and other vendors. In addition, we provide nearly approximately $5 million in host fees to Winnebago County on an annual basis which is used for a variety of its economic development and operations projects in their budget.
We are thoroughly committed to being a good and responsible corporate citizen and remaining highly connected to the community. We strive to provide a workplace where everyone can reach his or her highest potential.
Environmental Protections
Winnebago Landfill Company has been providing safe and responsible solid waste disposal for nearly 50 years. With our sister companies, we have built a network of additional landfills, multiple transfer stations, recycling facilities and composting operations to serve northern Illinois from Lake Michigan to Iowa. Beginning with a single landfill, our company has steadily grown through the addition of a second landfill, two transfer stations, and a composting facility. Our goal is to provide an enduring partnership to the people, businesses, and communities that comprise our service area.
Winnebago Landfill Company offers a workforce that consists of several State of Illinois Certified Landfill Operators to ensure that our landfills are compliant with the latest regulations. And, since safety is a central part of our culture, we also are comprised of OSHA certified personnel and a staff that is continually trained in the most effective safety processes.
Our company has successfully negotiated landfill expansions and transfer station sitings by demonstrating our ability to not only fulfill, but exceed, the services that are demanded of us. We will continue to set new standards in expertise and professionalism as we move into the future.
In the early 1970s, Rockford’s municipal “dump” at People’s Avenue had run out of space. The facility’s closure presented the City with a crisis because it had nowhere to put its garbage. As a result, in 1972, Pagel’s Landfill, operated by Winnebago Reclamation, opened for business.
In the late 1980s, history began to repeat itself as Pagel’s Landfill reached a saturation point. The City of Rockford planned to site and operate its own landfill so Winnebago Reclamation proceeded with plans to close Pagel’s Landfill in accordance with current regulations. After years of deliberation, however, the City was unable to obtain local site approval for a new landfill.
In 1990, Winnebago Reclamation Service received local site approval to expand as part of Winnebago County’s solid waste plan for the future. After a detailed technical review, the IEPA permitted the Landfill’s operation as one of the first modern, Subtitle D landfills in the state.
In 2005, Pagel’s Landfill was renamed the Winnebago Landfill and Recycling Facility to more accurately reflect the operations performed at the site. After many years of providing a safe and integrated solid waste operation to area communities, Winnebago Reclamation has gone through the planning and approval process to expand the existing operation. This allows Winnebago Landfill Company to continue to deliver an essential public service to our local communities for many years.
Champ Landfill
Please review the list of acceptable and unacceptable items for disposal outlined above. ​ If you have a question about wastes for disposal, please contact us in advance of bringing the material to the landfill. ​ Call Champ Landfill or email us.
Accepted Landfill Materials: Clean fill - soil, Concrete and asphalt, Construction debris, Farm or agricultural waste, Household municipal waste (Includes carpet, furniture, mattresses), Non-hazardous commercial waste, Tires that are chipped or shredded only and tree branches over 6 inches in diameter.
Unaccepted Landfill Materials: Appliances (major), Bulk liquids, Explosives, Highly flammable or volatile substances, Propane gas containers, Radioactive materials, Regulated infectious waste, Regulated quantities of hazardous waste, Regulated quantities of PCB, Septic tank pumpings, Tires, Whole, Toxic waste, Waste oil, Yard waste (keep separate for green waste recycling).
Green Waste Recycling
For safety reasons, yard waste materials are only accepted Monday through Friday. ​ They are closed on Saturdays. ​ If you have a question about what kind of green wastes are accepted for recycling, please call Hansen's Environmental Wood Resources at 636-379-1830.
Accepted Green Materials: Brush and logs 6 inches or less in diameter, Christmas trees, Garden vegetation, Leaves, Sawdust, Untreated or unpainted lumber & pallets, Wood chips and Yard clippings.
Unaccepted Green Materials: Bio solids, Decorative or ceremonial items, Dead animals, Human waste, Liquid waste, Stumps, roots, or shrubs with intact root balls and Other organic material not specially listed.
YES, ALL loads must be covered/tarped and/or secured in such a manner that no waste or debris can fly out, fall out or become airborne in anyway. Uncovered/unsecured loads will be charged double, no exceptions.
No, salvaging or “picking” is not allowed at the landfill.
We accept cash (small bills only).
No, these items must go to a chemical waste disposal facility.
With proper documentation, we can accept some of these types of items. Please call the landfill and we will provide you information and instruction for disposing of “special waste.”
Are you still uncertain about sizing, pricing, or other details? Contact one of our professionals to get more information regarding which option is the best for you.
Butler County Landfill Services & Rates
Butler County Landfill is a modern municipal solid waste disposal facility permitted by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality and is in full compliance with Nebraska rules and regulations as well as Subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).